Monday, January 31, 2011

DMH Starts Tonight @ Midnight!

Welcome hunters,

You are about to join a Grid-Wide Dead Man's Hand Hunt by MadPea Productions!

♥ Story:
 The game begins from a mysterious house of a notorious serial killer. Investigate the crime scene and search the house and surroundings for clues.
 The killer kept all his 52 victims in the house for a certain period of time and each of them has left something behind that gives you a hint where they have been buried.   A card has been left behind in the burial places, once you find a card, you will win an instant prize. When you have found all 52 cards, you will unlock a new area and be   rewarded beyond imagination.

♦ How to: Purchase the HUD for 100L and wear it. It will set in its correct position on your screen. The cards will flash images of the clues that you need to search for in the house and in its surroundings. Once you find a clue, you will receive a hint and a SLURL of a location where to go and look for the card.
The HUD will keep track of which clues and which cards you have found, simply click at the image for more info.

♣ When: The hunt will run from February 1st till March 31st.

♠ Extra help: To discuss about the hunt or ask for help, you can join the MadPeas group and talk in group chat. We will also post clues and happenings on our facebook page!/pages/MadPea-Productions/144352134687.
Please visit, you can take a sneakpeek to the prizes there.  

♥♦♣♠THE RULES♥♦♣♠

The following rules and instructions must be followed to ensure that everyone gets to have a nice hunting experience.

♥ NO GRIEFING - the locations that you will be visiting are participating only in allowing the use of the area. The environments do not belong to MadPea Productions. Do not grief their other customers, visitors, members or residents. Do not break their posted rules.

♦ GROUP TAG RECOMMENDED -  When you are hunting, we would really appreciate if you wear the MadPea Group Tag.

♣ NO LITTERING - Unless otherwise instructed to do so, do not rez or lay any objects from your inventory on any of the locations you will visit in the game.

♠ MALFUNCTIONS - We are aware it is Second Life which has its own issues that we can not control, such as location logouts, reboots, or lagging and crashing. We have conducted several pre-game walkthroughs to make sure the hunt runs smoothly where it should, but we make no complete guarantees that there will be no issues during the hunt.

Should anything happen beyond our control that disrupts or halts the hunt, we will announce it in group notices at the first possible opportunity, providing further instructions relevant to the issue.

♥ REFRAIN FROM BAD SPORTSMANSHIP - Do not harass other players, do not instigate conflicts, and if you get stuck, no whining and complaining in group chat.
When you enter a new region, give it some time to rez before bumping into everyone else.

♦ GROUP DIALOGUE IS ALLOWED - You are allowed to communicate in group chat and help each other out. You are however NOT allowed to give out an exact location of the hunt item.

♠ HAVE FUN!!! We had a total blast creating this hunt and hope that you enjoy it too. :)

Dead Man's Hand hunt is created by MadPea Productions

Friday, January 28, 2011

Board Changes...

Hello peoplez! Well after chilling in mah shop for a while and hearing ppl start to complain the Lucky and MM boards haven't changed for a while I decided to change em. So here's what's in there now...

Lucky Letters ~

The outfits that where in there I have put up for 0$L till the end of today sometime. You can grab them next to the lucky boards in the back of shop. \o/

Old Outfits Free for Today ~

The Midnight Mania boards have been changed also(still waiting for a couple clicks on the male board before I change it at time of this post). For the ladies the Shasta shorts are up. And for the guys the Coded T-shirt in black. Enjoy!

New MM Board Things ~

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dead Man's Hunt Item reveiled!

Yes, I know. I'm sooo horribly slow at making things. Ugh! Totally need some one to crack a whip at me and my laziness >.<.

Ok, so, if you haven't read before in a past note... I'm slowly working on remaking some of my older than dirt outfits along with trying to throw out some new things. Plus there is two hunts coming up pretty soon(luvz me some hunts)! I've redone "Wasteland Pirate". And yes, this time it has a male version for those of you that were asking for one. Both these outfits will be in the card I put out for the Dead Man's Hunt which starts Feb. 1st. I'll be putting it out for sale probably a week or so before the hunt actually starts, so if this outfit catches your eye I'd suggest waiting for the hunt to start so you can snatch both versions up for free. Yay free stuffz \o/!

As for the second hunt(^V^ Dark Katz Hunt >>3<<^V^), I believe starts Feb. 5th... I'll be doing a new outfit. Most likely something grungy punky rivethead-ish. All I know so far is there will be neko parts! Neko hunt = neko outfits... makes sense to me *shrugs*. Anyways more on that laterz.

Blog Intro...

So... yea... I've decided to give this whole blog thing a shot >.>. I honestly have no friggin clue what to do so this should be pretty lame for a while lul. IF I can manage to keep an interest in this and see others having interest in it too, I'll try to keep up to date with it. No promises though! We'll see how it goes *shrugs*. But, I'll be posting new items here for all to comment on, and whatever else I have to say or bitch about. Might do some things for another shop I model for but I'll have to talk to that owner and see what she says before I go slapping her stuff here. I'll most likely be putting up some polls too.

The whole thing that got me to think I should start my own blog was seeing the good responses to some other SL shop pplz having them an my recent bad experience with being mentioned in one >.<. Recently my "Panic" outfits were pictured in a blog, which I will not name, and I was totally not happy how they pictured the outfits. They looked completely horrid and actually made me feel embarrassed that they were mine! I mean, seriously! At least try to make the outfit fit before you post to all your followers to see! WTF. Really, really bad.

I am by no means perfect at what I do, but I enjoy it. I'm not awesome at textures, I'm not a sculpty or even a regular prim torture goddess. My items are not perfect nor have I ever said they were. But for some crazy reason some of you people like them. Crazy! I know right?! So if you have a genuine problem with something... Come To Me, instead of dropping me nasty notes or talking smack(so far this has only happened once that I'm aware of, but wanted to put it out there). I'm more than happy to work with you to try and fix whatever the issue is. And yes, my clothes are better for short people. They're made on a short mannequin, ME! If you need something tailored for longer legs or whatever all you have to do is let me know.

Erm... guess this concludes my first post or random talk and bitchery \o/. I probably wont go crazy with posting till I have some actual traffic here, but anyways. More to come!

NOTE: I do have a dirty mouth but will attempt to keep it toned down for you more "sensitive easily offended" people... Nah, probably not =p.