Monday, January 31, 2011

DMH Starts Tonight @ Midnight!

Welcome hunters,

You are about to join a Grid-Wide Dead Man's Hand Hunt by MadPea Productions!

♥ Story:
 The game begins from a mysterious house of a notorious serial killer. Investigate the crime scene and search the house and surroundings for clues.
 The killer kept all his 52 victims in the house for a certain period of time and each of them has left something behind that gives you a hint where they have been buried.   A card has been left behind in the burial places, once you find a card, you will win an instant prize. When you have found all 52 cards, you will unlock a new area and be   rewarded beyond imagination.

♦ How to: Purchase the HUD for 100L and wear it. It will set in its correct position on your screen. The cards will flash images of the clues that you need to search for in the house and in its surroundings. Once you find a clue, you will receive a hint and a SLURL of a location where to go and look for the card.
The HUD will keep track of which clues and which cards you have found, simply click at the image for more info.

♣ When: The hunt will run from February 1st till March 31st.

♠ Extra help: To discuss about the hunt or ask for help, you can join the MadPeas group and talk in group chat. We will also post clues and happenings on our facebook page!/pages/MadPea-Productions/144352134687.
Please visit, you can take a sneakpeek to the prizes there.  

♥♦♣♠THE RULES♥♦♣♠

The following rules and instructions must be followed to ensure that everyone gets to have a nice hunting experience.

♥ NO GRIEFING - the locations that you will be visiting are participating only in allowing the use of the area. The environments do not belong to MadPea Productions. Do not grief their other customers, visitors, members or residents. Do not break their posted rules.

♦ GROUP TAG RECOMMENDED -  When you are hunting, we would really appreciate if you wear the MadPea Group Tag.

♣ NO LITTERING - Unless otherwise instructed to do so, do not rez or lay any objects from your inventory on any of the locations you will visit in the game.

♠ MALFUNCTIONS - We are aware it is Second Life which has its own issues that we can not control, such as location logouts, reboots, or lagging and crashing. We have conducted several pre-game walkthroughs to make sure the hunt runs smoothly where it should, but we make no complete guarantees that there will be no issues during the hunt.

Should anything happen beyond our control that disrupts or halts the hunt, we will announce it in group notices at the first possible opportunity, providing further instructions relevant to the issue.

♥ REFRAIN FROM BAD SPORTSMANSHIP - Do not harass other players, do not instigate conflicts, and if you get stuck, no whining and complaining in group chat.
When you enter a new region, give it some time to rez before bumping into everyone else.

♦ GROUP DIALOGUE IS ALLOWED - You are allowed to communicate in group chat and help each other out. You are however NOT allowed to give out an exact location of the hunt item.

♠ HAVE FUN!!! We had a total blast creating this hunt and hope that you enjoy it too. :)

Dead Man's Hand hunt is created by MadPea Productions