Yes, I know. I'm sooo horribly slow at making things. Ugh! Totally need some one to crack a whip at me and my laziness >.<.
Ok, so, if you haven't read before in a past note... I'm slowly working on remaking some of my older than dirt outfits along with trying to throw out some new things. Plus there is two hunts coming up pretty soon(luvz me some hunts)! I've redone "Wasteland Pirate". And yes, this time it has a male version for those of you that were asking for one. Both these outfits will be in the card I put out for the Dead Man's Hunt which starts Feb. 1st. I'll be putting it out for sale probably a week or so before the hunt actually starts, so if this outfit catches your eye I'd suggest waiting for the hunt to start so you can snatch both versions up for free. Yay free stuffz \o/!
As for the second hunt(^V^ Dark Katz Hunt >>3<<^V^), I believe starts Feb. 5th... I'll be doing a new outfit. Most likely something grungy punky rivethead-ish. All I know so far is there will be neko parts! Neko hunt = neko outfits... makes sense to me *shrugs*. Anyways more on that laterz.